Why Is My Yorkie Coughing?

why is my yorkie coughing

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Dog coughing can be worrisome. It leads to a number of questions. Is my Yorkie ill? Is he choking on something? Should you contact your vet right away? In essence, a coughing dog can worry its owners.

Dog coughing may be caused by a number of things, some of which might be harmful like kennel cough or bacterial infection. In many cases, it is quite normal.

The only key to finding out what can make dogs cough. Here’s what you need to know about dog coughing and get the answer to why is my Yorkie coughing.

First, let us answer your question.

Why Is My Yorkie Coughing?

We totally understand how concerning this question of “Why is my Yorkie coughing?” can be. Dogs use their noses to investigate the world and, on rare occasions, their mouths. Your dog comes into contact with a variety of items, including dust, grass stems, and germs now and then.

All of these things might cause your dog to cough; therefore it’s difficult to tell whether his or her cough is significant or simply the sound of him or her clearing her throat.

A dog’s cough isn’t always caused for concern. In fact, an occasional cough in your Yorkie is normal and just like other dogs.

Hacking cough or a chronic cough, on the other hand, might be an indication of a more severe issue, particularly if there are changes in breathing sounds or patterns.

Next, we will learn about the different types of cough.

Understanding Different Types Of Dog’s Cough

Identifying the kind of cough is one of the simplest methods to narrow down the potential causes of your dog’s cough. This is crucial in finding the answer to why is my Yorkie coughing.

This information is critical for you to obtain since it can help your veterinarian make a more informed diagnosis regarding your pet’s treatment.

Look for specific properties in your Yorkie’s cough

Attributes Of Dog’s Cough

Each attribute of your cough indicates a certain type of problem that usually affects dogs. You need to observe closely when your dog coughs.

  • A Wet/moist with Phlegm.
  • A Cough In Sleep
  • A Hacking Cough
  • A Hoking Cough
  • A Gagging & High-Pitched Cough

The sound of your dog’s cough can reveal a lot about what might be wrong. Be specific when you describe it to your vet.

Since this could mean the difference between an emergency and a disease that’s easily treatable or even contagious like chronic bronchitis or kennel cough.

Now, let us round off the potential that the cough can indicate.

Health Problems That Lead To Dog Coughing

Time to tap into some potential health conditions that can lead to coughing in your Yorkie.

Tracheal Collapse

Dogs that are toy breeds have a greater chance of tracheal collapse, which is when the cartilage in their windpipes starts to wear down.

When this happens, one symptom your dog may experience is a honking cough especially when they’re pulling on their collar or during hot weather while they’re exercising.

Unfortunately, obese dogs are more likely to develop tracheal collapse since the extra weight puts added pressure on their windpipe.

Chronic Bronchitis

If your dog is coughing and no other cause can be identified, it may have chronic bronchitis. This is marked by a dry, hacking cough that worsens with exercise or excitement and gets worse over time.

Medications (such as fluticasone or prednisolone) are used to reduce inflammation, treat secondary infections, and dilate airways.

They should ideally be inhaled to minimize side effects, but they can also be given systemically if required.

Canine Influenza Virus

A canine influenza virus or dog flu is a respiratory tract infection caused by the influenza A virus. This is the same virus that causes influenza in humans.

Dog flu, like human forms of influenza, is a viral infection and is transmitted through the air. Coughing and barking, as well as sneezing, emit respiratory fluids into the environment where they are then breathed in by a new dog host.

Kennel Cough

A dog’s deep, dry, honking cough could be a symptom of a dog’s upper respiratory tract issues like tracheobronchitis or kennel cough.

Kennel cough is a highly contagious disease caused by bacteria or viruses which usually only results in mild illness and discomfort.

However, if left untreated it can progress into the lungs causing more serious problems such as pneumonia or chronic bronchitis. It can seriously affect the upper respiratory tract of your Yorkie which has a pivotal role in keeping the respiratory system healthy.

Dogs can catch kennel cough while boarding at doggy daycare, or any other place where they come in close contact with other dogs.

Although it’s not a harsh disease, your veterinarian may still need to prescribe medication for the cough and will tell you to keep your dog away from other dogs until the illness subsides.

Sore Throat

A high-pitched, strangled cough might be caused by a variety of issues, including inflammation of the upper airway, infection, or even a partial obstruction.

Your dog’s throat is sore whether it’s caused by tonsillitis (extremely uncommon in dogs), infections of the mouth, sinusitis, or owing to the presence of a foreign body or material trapped in his throat.

Anything that’s not meant to be in your dog’s throat is dangerous because it can stop them from being able to breathe and swallow properly. If your dog accidentally ingests something, it could be deadly and you should take them to see the vet right away.

Now, you will have a sound understanding of why is my Yorkie coughing. In some severe cases, coughing can indicate a serious disease such as canine lung cancer. This is usually the case with senior dogs.

What To Do When Your Dog’s Coughing?

If your dog is coughing, it’s best to take them to see the vet as soon as possible. The vet will be able to determine what’s causing the cough and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In some cases, the cough may be due to minor respiratory infections that will go away on their own or can be easily treated with antibiotics.

However, if the cough is severe or doesn’t respond to treatment, it could be indicative of a more serious problem such as heart disease, lung disease, or tracheal collapse.

If it’s a mild cough, you can go for cough suppressants. These not only will suppress coughing but will also eradicate any initial infection as well.

Time to learn more about Yorkies!

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Thomas Wilson

Thomas Wilson

An Englishman who loves dogs has made me love Yorkshire Terriers more than any other breed. Let me tell you what I learned from this love...

Thomas Wilson

Thomas Wilson

An Englishman who loves dogs has made me love Yorkshire Terriers more than any other breed. Let me tell you what I learned from this love...

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