Are Yorkies Aggressive? – Get To Know Yorkies Behavior

are yorkies aggressive

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There’s no doubt that Yorkies are one of the most popular breeds of dogs in the world. But with their growing popularity comes more and more people asking the question: are Yorkies aggressive? 

In this article, we’ll take a look at what makes Yorkies behave the way they do, and provide some tips on how to handle them if they happen to be aggressive.

Are Yorkies Aggressive? – Get To Know Yorkies Behavior

The Yorkshire terrier was initially developed as a rat-hunting dog. Yorkies had to be bold and unyielding since rats are quite hostile.

They still have these characteristics now. This indicates that, compared to other breeds, Yorkshire terriers may be more aggressive as a collective.

Nevertheless, hostility is a result of the environment. Chances are good that your puppy won’t grow up to be aggressive if you give it the correct surroundings. You must first understand the types of factors that can make dogs hostile to doing that.

Why Yorkies Are Aggressive

Dogs that bark, growl, or bite people or animals are typically classified as aggressive. Even worse, some murder people or other animals. These kinds of behaviors in your Yorkshire terrier are always brought on by very specific factors.

It is advised to start socialization training for your puppy as soon as possible to help combat this. It will learn how to interact with humans, things in its environment, and other canines. Constant positive interaction teaches your dog how to respond to everyday events. 

Some dogs, however, will continue to exhibit aggressive behavior despite such socialization training.

A Yorkshire terrier’s aggression may result from a variety of factors, such as:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Sexuality
  • Fear
  • Loneliness
  • Health problems
  • Traumas

In addition, it’s crucial to remember that Yorkshire terriers were formerly employed as hunting dogs. Most frequently in the homes of miners, Yorkies were used to chase away rats. The courage inborn in Yorkies comes from the fact that rats are quite aggressive.

Why Yorkies Are Aggressive With Other Dogs

There’s no denying that the Yorkie is a little dog. It is a courageous and inquisitive dog, albeit it is quite little, and its disposition can swing to unanticipated extremes. You must examine and track your dog’s behavior over a period to choose the best course of action.


Dominance over other dogs by some dogs is a very typical occurrence. Dogs who have not had their sterilization procedures tend to experience this.

Numerous advantages can result from sterilizing your Yorkshire terrier. It facilitates relationships between two male Yorkies much more easily and delays the beginning of several disorders.


This is typical of dogs who have previously had a bad experience. Such a dog might either develop a loud barking habit or exhibit violent traits when it is scared.

In such a situation, you don’t just force your Yorkie to engage with other dogs the moment you wake up. You must first allow it room to begin gradually interacting. You can think about taking friendly dogs on walks through parks while keeping a safe distance to prevent any conflicts.

Stress And Anxiety

The main causes of anxiety and worry in dogs are unfamiliar settings and confinement. For instance, keeping your Yorkshire terrier in a kennel could make it feel agitated, anxious, and insecure.

This is because locking up your dog violates at least five of its liberties. Additionally, because it never has the chance to receive training in the best way possible, a dog kept in confinement is unable to receive the necessary training.

A Lack Of Socialization

Socialization is a very important aspect of every dog’s existence, just like it is for humans. It fosters positive canine social interactions.

When another dog growls, a dog with low socialization skills could not understand that it was time to quit playing. Alternatively, it might not be aware of the pack hierarchy in nature.

How To  Stop Aggressive Behavior

It’s crucial to first pinpoint the root of extremely aggressive behavior in your Yorkshire terrier before taking any action to address it. Some of these reasons, while there are still many more, have been discussed in the sections above.

That’s why you might need to consult an ethologist at some point for professional advice. These experts in animal behavior representation will provide you with accurate instructions on how to interact with your furry pet.

You can use these fundamental suggestions along with expert advice to train your dog better.

Establish A Quiet And Secure Setting

If you want to train your dog to behave better, start with this. You must make sure that your Yorkie has a secure and cozy environment.

Dogs absorb knowledge from the families they reside with. The dogs are also less aggressive and more peaceful because they are a part of a calm and relaxed family. The only way a Yorkie can make a decent family dog is by doing this.

Make The Environment Calm And Stable

Enhancing your dog’s disposition should start with this. For the sake of your Yorkie, you must create a secure and cozy environment.

The family they live with teaches their dogs new skills. The dogs become more relaxed and less aggressive as a result of living in a peaceful and comfortable home. A Yorkie can only succeed as a family pet in this way.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Some dogs exhibit aggressive behavior as a result of excessive levels of stress. Avoiding any events that can cause stress is crucial if your dog reacts poorly when stressed. Your dog will become less in the end.

Try to get your dog involved in enjoyable activities like walks, chase-and-catch games, and other pursuits. Your Yorkie will remain occupied with play rather than stress as a result.

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